Property Taxes

The amount of tax levied to individual properties within the Central Coast Regional District is calculated by determining the amount of funds required to provide each service.  Those costs are then allocated amongst the total of the assessed value of the properties within each service, or electoral area.  BC Assessment Authority determines the assessed value of properties.  The provincial Surveyor of Taxes collects, levies and distributes the regional district tax requisition (the amount of funds required to provide the service) amongst the individual properties based on the assessed value.

The authority to levy taxes is generally contained within an establishing bylaw.  A limit for each $1,000 of assessed value is usually imposed on each service or function.

The annual requisition to the province is submitted in early April in conjunction with the adoption of the Five-Year Financial Plan on or before March 31st.  The Regional District receives the levy in one lump sum at the beginning of August.