Thorsen Creek Waste and Recycling Centre (TCWRC)
Hours of Operation
Wednesday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Contact: 250-799-5291 Tues. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for general information or email info@ccrd.ca
For information about our recycling program click here.
TCWRC is located at the end of Thorsen Creek Road, approximately 6 km east of Bella Coola. The TCWRC offers a wide range of free recycling services, as well as a transfer station for household garbage, construction and demolition debris, yard waste, appliances and metals. Thorsen Creek Landfill is located adjacent to the transfer station and can be accessed by commercial haulers. A transfer station attendant is on-site during hours of operation and can help answer questions and direct the sorting of waste. All customers are to report to the Attendant for any non-household garbage.
Household garbage contained in black garbage bags can be disposed of free of charge. Construction and demolition debris, large items (mattresses, furniture etc.) yard waste, metals and appliances are accepted at the TCWRC and subject to tipping fees.
Disposal of items such as vehicles, boats, trailers, asbestos waste, and treated poles/pilings are subject to CCRD approval and must be arranged ahead of time through the CCRD office or landfill attendant.
Important Information
The following items are now PROHIBITED from entering the landfill.
Items must be separated from household and commercial garbage, and taken to the correct recycling or disposal area.
- Cardboard
- Batteries
- Oil and Antifreeze
- Larger Metals
- Wood and Yard Waste
- Appliances and Electronics
- Liquid Wastes
- Waste containing Asbestos
- Biomedical & Radioactive Wastes
- Paint and Paint Cans
- Used Oil or Antifreeze
- Tires
- Propane Tanks (or Other Pressurized Vessels)
- Fishing nets
- Cable
- Cooking Oil
Prior to disposal, we require doors to be removed from all fridges and freezers.
Prior to vehicle disposal, we require verification from a licensed inspection facility that all fluids, batteries, and tires have been removed.